Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Project 4


Nova Southeastern University.

Nova Southeastern University is a large, private university located i Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The school was founded in 1964. The maincampus is located in Davie, Florida. Other campuses are located in Dania Beach and North Miami Beach. Student education centers are located in Orlando, Miami, West Palm Beach, Jamaica and Bahamas.
The school has approximately 33 000 graduate students, part-time professional students and undergraduate students. The students are coming from all 50 states and from over 150 different countries.
The school is devided into different colleges including liberal arts, health science, computer and physical science, bioligical science, education, business, science, and social science. Nova is offering over 175 programs of study with more than 250 majors.
Last year approximately 15 000 freshmans applied to the university and around7000 of them were admitted. That means that approximately 47% of the people who applied were admitted.
Nova Southeastern university is having athletic programs containing 9 women's and 6 men's teams. The women's sports are golf, soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, track, rowing and cross country. Male students can take part in soccer, golf, baseball, cross country, track and basketball.
Since not even half of all the students that applied to Nova Southeastern this semester were admitted, you should be proud of being a part of the school. Make the best of your time here and remember - things is going in the direction you want them to.

Project #4 Advertisement

Project 4. My advertisement-part.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Project 4

A picture of school. Find facts that show how special you are to actually be a part of nova.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Project 4

What I'm supposed to do:

Advertisement and facts.

Facts: About Nova Southeastern University.
Advertisement: Make people want to chose Nova. A nice picture of the school.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In the news: November 13, 2008

This is very tricky to answer to. I think that since GM is such a big company the government should save them, because if tehy don't so many people will loose their jobs and that will affect so many people and also the government. So by saving GM, the government can make it easier for themselves in some ways. But at the same time I think it would be unfair if the government saved GM. Because then, they would have to save other companies as well.
I think that if GM fails that could definitly affect other companies. Both in good and bad ways maybe. In bad ways because people would get afraid of putting their money into a buisness that is very unsafe and stop buying new cars. But in a good way maybe, because then they would loose one of their opponents, and they would get the chance of selling more cars.
It's also hard to say if the government should try do save other companies instead of saving GM. Is it better to save a big company and let smaller companies down, or is it better to let GM down but save more, smaller companies?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the news, November 11

The question what we can do to save jobs is very hard to answer. Especially since there is so many factors that are involved in this topic.
I think that one thing to maybe save a few jobs could be to do one thing that has been discused in Sweden.
A normal day of work is 8 hours. But if a normal day of work would be 6 hours instead, that would mean that some companies and places like hospitals, firerescues and a lot more places would have to hire more people to do the job that the other people used to do. If you say that at a hospital, people have to work 24/7. If you divide 24 for 8 you get 3. That means that 3 people could work within one spot. But if you divide 24 with 6 you get four. That means that 4 people could do the work that 3 people used to do. And by doing that, people would get more time over, to spend with family, friends etc. I think that by doing this we wouldn't just get more jobs but happier people as well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In the news: November 6 2008

Hispanics, young voters, women help Obama win

Associated Press Writer

Barack Obama drew on support from Hispanics, young voters and women to score victories in New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado - three Western states that voted for President Bush in 2004.
Obama also contributed to an Election Day sweep in New Mexico that put the state's entire congressional delegation in Democratic hands for the first time in 40 years.
According to exit polling conducted for The Associated Press, Obama performed better among New Mexico Hispanics than John Kerry did four years ago when he narrowly lost the state to President Bush.
"We don't need another Bush in there," said John Marquez, 44, an Albuquerque Democrat who supported Obama. "We need to get the Republicans out. They're driving us under. We've got to put the country back in order."
About seven in 10 Hispanics in New Mexico favored Obama, despite John McCain's aggressive targeting of them with advertising in Spanish and appeals that focused on his record in the military.
Geography also was key. Obama picked up a majority of voters in the Albuquerque area, the state's population center, and claimed more than 2-1 support in the traditionally Democratic northern half of the state.
The economy dominated the concerns of New Mexicans. Slightly more than half of all New Mexico voters said the economy was the most important issue facing the nation. Of those, nearly three-fifths favored Obama.
Obama engineered a similar victory in Nevada, where he won overwhelming support from minority voters.
Roughly three-quarters of Hispanics and more than nine in 10 blacks in Nevada voted for Obama, and the groups combined represented about one quarter of the total vote, exit polls said.
More than half of Nevada women backed Obama, while men supported McCain and Obama about evenly, the poll said.
In Colorado, where a third of registered voters are listed as independent, Obama led among unaffiliated voters. He also did well among women, moderates, Hispanics and people seeking change, according to an Associated Press poll of voters over the past week.
In New Mexico, new voters - nearly three-quarters of them under 30 - flocked to Obama. They backed him almost 3-1 over McCain. About one in eight voters said this was the first year they had cast a ballot. A majority of new voters were Hispanic.
Obama also took the middle political ground. He led McCain by 15 percentage points among independents; they accounted for more than a quarter of voters. Nearly three-fifths of moderates backed Obama.
In the New Mexico congressional delegation, all three incumbents - Republicans Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce and Democrat Tom Udall - gave up their seats to run for the Senate post being vacated by retiring Republican Pete Domenici.
On Tuesday, that turned into a windfall for Democrats. Udall beat Pearce, who had defeated Wilson in the June GOP primary.
And Pearce and Wilson's open seats in the House went to Democrats: Martin Heinrich, a former Albuquerque city councilman, defeated GOP candidate Darren White, a county sheriff. And oilman Harry Teague, another Democrat, beat GOP businessman Ed Tinsley.
Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state and dominate in statewide offices and the Legislature. But it's different in federal races, where moderate-to-conservative Democrats - especially those in rural areas - often tilt to Republican candidates.
In 2000, Democrat Al Gore won the state by just 366 votes. In 2004, New Mexico went for Bush by fewer than 6,000 votes, making it one of only two states that shifted from blue to red that year.

Why do you think Obama won this election? What do you think is the big difference, that made Obama more popular than McCain? What do you think will be the biggest difference after this election? Why do you think that Omaba got so much support from Hispanics, young voters and women?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Journal Entry #10

To some people, money means nothing. They have so much money already that they are throwing them away without thinking of the consequences.

Act: Rich people spending money, just to spend them and not because they need the things that they are spending them on.

Actor: Rich people that are spending money, and poor people that could need the money more.

Scene: All over the world, in every country, in every city.


Purpose: Because they are not thinking about others, they are lazy and think that just spending them is an easy way of doing something with them. They are egoistic and greedy, and they just want more and more.

Project #3 Draft

Rich vs. poor

Money can mean so many different things to different people. To some people 50$ mean hours of work and a lot of food, while 50$ to some people, means the tip after a dinner.

To some people money is more important, while some people think that money won't make them happier. Some people have to work hard for their money, while some people are making money without lifting a finger.

"Some people would do anything to rummage in your sewer."

Journal Entry #9


1. People are dying too early.
2. People are dying too early because they are eating hamburgers.
3. People are dying too early because hamburgers are containing a lot of calories.


1. 17,000 people are dying every year.
2. 17,000 people are dying every year because they are drinking and driving.
3. 17,000 people are dying every year because they are driving when they are drunk.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Journal Entry #8

In some way I think that this image could try to symbloize that we have so much more knowledge nowadays, than we had when there were still active vulcanos and people had to write on stones. I think the picture is trying to make us feel lucky that we have the oppertunitys to change so much because of that we have som much knowledge.

Questions for Active Reading p.385

1. Gould defines facts as the "world's data" and referes to observing an apple fall from the tree as Isaac Newton is alleged to have done. Identify some of the facts Gould presents as evidance to support the theory of evolution.

"Imperfection of nature reveals evolution." "Transitions are often found in the fossil record."

2. Gould defines theories as "structures of ideas thar explain and interpret facts," such as Newton's theory of gravitation, which was introduced to explain facts like falling apples. In addition to facts, Gould states, the theory of evolution is supported by reasonable inferences. Identify some inferences that he cites as evidence.

3. Gould begins this essay with allusions to the Scope trial of 1925, Darrow, and Bryan. He seems to assume that his readers will know what he is talking about. If you know about this event, how does this reference set the scene for his 1981 eassay? If you don't know about it, was your understanding reduced?

I had no idea what the scopes trial of 1925 was, so I'm sure that my understanding of the text was reduced.

Questions for Active Reading p.371

1. Using an active reading technique from Chapter 2, read the first and the last paragraphs of this article. Now that you have read the entire article, would you say that technique gave you a good preview?

Yes, I would say that I got a good prewiev by reading the first and the last paragraph, before reading the entire text.

2. Why is it important to know that Lightman is a scientist? would an artist or a social worker write about this subject in this way?

Is important that Lightman is a scientist because then we know that he has been studying things like this and that he has a lot of knowledge of the subject. We can believe that he's trying to prove something and that he's trying to tell the truth.
I think an artist would would write a lot more easier to understand, because Lightman is writing a lot of facts that can be hard to understand and take in.

3. Where is Lightman using a lighthearted tone? Identify some phrases that show this. Where is he serious? Identify some phrases that show this. What is the effect of these tones?

Lightman is using a lighthearted tone when he's writing about his own experiences, what he believes in, and what he wants.
Example is this paragraph: "Someday soon, I'm going to catch the Earth's shadow in a lunar eclipse, or go to sea in clear air, and find out for sure if the Earth is round or flat. Actually, the Earth is reported to flatten at the poles, because it rotates. But that's another story."
He is more serious when he's writing down all the facts that he know about.
Example is this paragraph: "For at least 600 years educated people have believed that Earth is round. At nearly any medieval University, the quadrivium was standard fare, consisting of artihmegtic, geometry, music, and astronomy. The astronomy portion was based on the Tractatus de Sphaera, a popular textbook first published at Ferarra, Italy, in 1472 and written by a 13th century, Oxford-educated astronomer and mathematican, Johannes de Sacrobosco."
By being serious when he tells us all the facts, we believe that what he tells us is true and that he's a good scientist whit a lot of knowledge, and that he takes his job seriously. By writing lighthearted sometimes, he makes us feel like he is one of us and that he is a human with human thoughts, just like anybody else.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In the news: Youth vote

I think that that it's a good idea to let kids have some sort of election just to see what tehy think. I think that kida aren't so affected by everything as adults are, so i think that their opinion are more real, and more true.
I know that a 8 year old might not be so informed about eveything that he or she can have a very good view of what is going on, but i think that I 8 year old would be very honest in what he or she thinks and that he or she would probably try do see to the best of more people, while an adult would be more egoistic since a lot of grown ups wants to see to the best of themselves instead of the best of other people.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Journal Entry #7

· In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?

I don't really know, but maybe because we are taking in words from other languages, and by doing that we starts to forget our own english words.
He also writes that it can have political and economic reasons.

· Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language?

I think that the english language is in a better shape than he writes, because I think it's natural that new and foreign words are coming in to a language, and that a language is developing, just like everything else.

· What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing?

I think that maybe the rules will improve the writing because we will have to think a lot more about what to write and not just throw out the first word that pops up in your head, but at the same time, I think that maybe the rules will make a lot of the texts that we are writing, looking more like each other and not as personal.

· Orwell wrote the following in the provided excerpt:

Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose -- not simply accept -- the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to make on another person.

What do you think he means when he suggests that one should focus on “pictures and sensations” before one sits down to put words on the page? Have you ever done this? Does it help you write better?

I think that he might meen that we should try to think first what we realloy want to describe and what we think is the important part of the picture and then try to write down the importtant part of the picture and what we really want other people to see. "A picture says more than thousands of words."
I think that every time we a doing a picture and try to describe it we are doing it, but I have never done it and thought about that I'm doing it, but I think it can be a good idea.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
The rich people is getting richer, but are the poor people really getting poorer? I'm not sure. Doesn't the poorer get richer as well? I think we are dealing with the thing growth here. But at the same time, I think that the segregation is growing as well. I think is a differece between different parts of the world. Some facts are pointing in that direction that the rich and wealty countries are rising their earnings while the poorer countries see no difference.
Of ocurse we can see differences between different countries and also between different people within a country. In some countries the gaps are a lot bigger between the richest people and the poorest.
Some people mean that rich people have it easier to make money, because they have a ground to stand on. If you allready have money, I think it's easier to make even more. Rich people often have contacts that can help them to go further with what they want to achieve.
People without contacts will often have a harder time to get a job, because then they don't have anybody that can help them and put them in a good position of getting the job.
I know that without contacts you will definitly have a harder time to get a job, even if you know that you are more qualified for the job. And since rich people often have the better jobs, that means that they have better contacts, and that leads to that they will have it a lot easier to make even more money, while the poorer people wont get the good jobs and therefore they will not make any more money. That might be one reason while the poorer gets poorer while the rich keep getting richer. Or at least, that the gaps bwtween people are growing.
But we still don't know if that is true. People have very different believes in this question. Some people believe that both parts are getting richer, some people believe that the rich are getting richer while the poor just are at the same level, and some people believe that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.
Maybe, you should start to look around you. Are you rich or poor? Are you getting richer or poorer? What kind of lives are your friends living? Those questions might make it easier to answer how people are changing and how the standards of living are changing depending on if you're rich or poor and where you live.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Project #2 Draft

The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.

The rich people is getting richer, but is the poor people really getting poorer? I'm not sure. Doesn't the poorer getting richer as well? I think we are dealing with the thing growth here. But at the same time, I think that the segregation is growing as well.
I think is a differece between different parts of the world. Some facts are pointing in that direction that the rich and wealty countries are rising their earnings while the poorer countries see no difference.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Inte the news 100208

I think that he did it on purpose. Why would he ever say that he did anything like it, if he didn't do it. That's just so stupid. I also think that it was a racist act.
And why is so few cases regarding police authority known? I think that's because the police have a lot of power and really tries to keep their mistakes to themselves. Their reputation is so important and if it came out that a police did something bad that could make a lot of people loose their believes in the whole police auhority.
It's always easier to say that a single private person did something bad because that wouldn't cost a whole authority their reputation. Even if it was just one person who did something bad within the authority that could be devestating.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the news "Splenda"

I think that it's good that things like splenda gets a lot of attention because I think that people don't really get how much things like this can hurt them. People is just thinking about fat and suger but there are acctually other things that is just as bad as suger or fat.
I havn't heard of spelnda before but I believe it's a bad thing and I belive that people buy things daily that contains splenda thinking that it's a good thing.

Questions for Active Reading p.233

1. Examine the details Sanders gives about building a wall to divide a room. Can you clearly visualize what Sanders is doing at each step? Is each concept clearly defined? Why, at the end of the essay, does Sanders feel the need to describe so clearly each step in the process?

The angles must be right and you have to use good tools. I think it's very unclear what Sanders is doing at each step. Maybe because he was thinking back at what his father would have said.

2. How does Sanders use chronological order in this essay? What objects, images, or ideas connect the different periods of time that he describes?

Sanders is jumpig between time in this essay. He is using his father, grandfather and him self to jump between time. First he tells us about one of them and then he jumps to one other.

3. What is a "dawn stone"? Why does Sanders describe it in this essay, and what does it represent to him?

A "dawn sone" is an unworked stone, that served as the earliest hammers. He sais that it's been a long time since they started to use the dawn stones but the desing or imaginations haven't changed that much.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Journal Entry #5

1. This essay was written in 1971. What types of duties does Syfers describe as being performed by wives? To what degree do you believe these are still done primarily by women? Have these or other things about the husband/wife relationship changed in the last 37 years?

Syfers duties like iroing, taking care of the children, keeping track of children's doctor and dentist appointments, keeping sure that the children eat properly and are kept clean, wash the children's clothes, keeping them mended, making sure that the children are having an adeuquate social life with their peers, taking them to the park and zoo etc.
Other duties are taking care of the mans physical needs, keeping the house clean, cooking the meals etc. Almost everything. I believe that it's like this in a lot of homes. But not in mine. I think that some of it has changed because I think that my grandmas have been doing a lot more of these things than my mother is doing.

2. How would you describe Syfers’ writing style? Does she do things you would typically avoid in your own writing?

She is repeating herself over and over again. It works when she does it but I would probably avoid it.

3. Syfers was reacting to a social structure that she felt at the time was unfair. What types of injustice or unfairness do you see in the world nowadays that you think should be addressed? Syfers implies that men benefit from the servile position of women in the family. Who benefits from the injustices you see active in the world today?

Espsecially that so many people are poor while so many people have more money than they will ever use. I think that the rich people benefit in the world today.

In the news #4

I think that it's both good and bad that you can test if you have the gen and might be in the risk of getting breastcancer in the future. It's good because then you know that you have to be more carefull and have to test you more often than other people. It's bad because you don't want to walk around knowing that you have a risk of getting sick, because I think that that can effect the way you're living because you think about the disease more than the life you're living. I also think that if you should be able to test if you have the gen, it should be free for all people because since it is so expensive everybody can not afford it.
I also think that they should have an ageboundary that sais that you can't get tested before you are 18 years old. So then it will be the choise of the single person if she want's to get tested or not. Because I don't think that the perents should decide that.

Questions for Active Reading p.108

1. In your own words, describe the "6 Myths of Creativity".

The first myth is that creativity comes from creative people, but in fact anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some degree of creative work. The second myth is that people get creative by getting money. The truth is that people working and thinking of money at the same time is doing very little creative thinking. The third myth is that time pressure fuels creativity. The truth is that people were least creative when fighting the clock. The fourth myth is that people are more creative when they're sad or angry. The truth is that the happiest people comes up with the best ideas. The fifth myth is that internal competition fosters innovation. The truth is that people are more creative when they compete in a work group instead of collaborate. The sixth myth is that downsizing and restructuring foster creativity. The truth is that creativity suffers greatly during a downsizing.

2. How did Teresa Amabile, the Harvard Business School professor who studies creativity in the workplace, design her reserch? What kinds of information was she looking for? What seems especially surprising or interesting about her approach to reserch?

She collected daily journals from a lot of people who worked on creative projects, but she didn't tell them that she was focusing on creativity. Then she coded the e-mails for creativity by looking for moments when people struggled with a problem or came up with a new idea. One thing that seems surpsrising is that the study overturned some long-held beliefs about innovation in the workplace.

3. Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?

I would say that the audience is people who work and people who are having their own businesses. People how want's to be more creative in doing their jobs and people who are owing a business and want their workers to get better and be more creative.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Journal Entry #4

1. What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must "invent the university" when they write in college?

I think he means that students have to be able to change their way of writing depending on who de audience is and depending on what the topic is. I think he means that students have to try to put themselves in the audience position and try do understand how different people works. I also think that he means that students have to think more about what they are writing and try to write with more variety.

2. What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become "insiders" within academic discourse?

Students need to learn to extend themselves into the commonplaces, set phrases, rituals, gestures, habits of mind, tricks of persuasion, obligatory conclusions, and necessary connections that determine the “what might be said” and constitute knowledge within the various branches of our academic community.

3. Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae's opinion of these examples.

I think that their topics of what they did that they thought were creative was very different. I alss think that they first person is a lot more positive, and think that almost every time you come up with a new idea you're being creative. The vocabulary is very different, and a lot more qualificated in the second essay. Bartholomae's opinion is that he tinks that the first paper is not very elegant but it's tidy and smooth. About the other paper Bartholomae think that the style is difficult and highly qualified.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I believe that it's not too late

Can we continue to live like nothing has happened when the climate of the earth gets warmer and warmer? What should and can we do as individuals to save our planet? How much do we have to sacrifice? And how much are we willing to give?
Those are questions that some of us hear daily and some of us just don’t care about. But I believe that we have to take those questions seriously. Both human and animals will get affected by the climate changes. The effects caused by heat-waves and the effects on the spreads of infections are problems that’s worrying. If the average temperature is rising it will be possible to grow more kinds of crops but we will also get changes in the flora and fauna that will affect the whole ecosystem. And without snow, ice and the unique assets of a country, many countries will lose a lot of their tourists.
The ice around the poles are melting faster and faster and I think that all of us knows that this will make the level of the oceans rise and places that are located in areas near the water will be more vulnerable when the sea levels rises. We will also start to see more landslides and hurricanes as an effect of the environmental changes.
Since I was little I’ve always have a special relationship with the nature and the environment. When I watched the news together with my parents and they were talking about the ozone layer getting thinner and that we in the future would be able to count the days of snow during the Swedish winter, I always started crying. I just want to cry when hear the news today as well. I love going out in the forest with my family to pick flowers, berries and mushrooms and I get very emotional affected when I know that in a few years, I might not be able to do those things - things that I grew up doing and things that are a big part of my life.
I believe that it’s impossible to keep on living like nothing has happened when the climate is changing. All of us have to take responsibility for what’s going on around us. To just keep on living the way we use to do is not going to work out when the conditions are changing. Reality will finally catch up with the people who are running. It’s time to stop squander and start sacrificing.
But I believe that it’s not too late. If we just stop blaming each other and try doing something ourselves we can still make a change.
We can start sorting our waste products, buy fewer clothes, take the bus instead of the car and turn of the lights when we walk out the room. We can take the train on our vacation instead of the aircraft, we can take the bike to the store, we can take the food out of the freezer one day before we’re supposed to eat it to let it defrost instead of just putting the food in the microwave and we can use better energy sources.
I believe that everybody can do something and if every single person does one thing that will be a lot in the whole race. I believe that nobody wants to take the blame of the death of the world but as it looks now, everybody is responsible.
I try to do my best in these questions. I try to take the bus and the bike instead of the car, I try to turn off the lights when I don’t need them and I try to sort my waste products. And I don’t find it that hard.
I believe that everybody wants to make a difference and I believe that today is the day to make it.

News #3 Cloning

I think that cloning is a very weard thing. I thinks it is scary and I think that it's unnatural. I don't think that it's okay to create new people by cloning like they did with the sheep Dolly. But I think that it might be good if you can use human embryos to do research and find out things about diseases. Because I don't see a embryo as a living human so I don't think that it's cruel. But I would never like to be the person who was made out of cloning so I would say that cloning is something that I'm against.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


That’s why we have to change for the sake of the environment

Can we continue to live like nothing has happened when the climate of the earth gets warmer and warmer? What should and can we do as individuals to save our planet? How much do we have to sacrifice? And how much are we willing to give?
Those are questions that some of us hear daily and some of us just don’t care about. But we have to take those questions seriously. Both human and animals will get affected by the climate changes. The effects caused by heat-waves and the affects on the spreads of infections are problems that’s worrying. If the average temperature is rising it will be possible to grow more kinds of crops but we will also get changes in the flora and fauna that will affect the whole ecosystem. And without snow, ice and the unique assets of a country, a lot of countries will lose a lot of their tourists.
The ice around the poles are melting faster and faster and I think that all of us knows that this will make the level of the oceans rise and places that are located in areas near the water will be more vulnerable when the sea levels rises. We will also start to see more landslides and hurricanes as an effect of the environmental changes.
I believe that it’s impossible to keep on living like nothing has happened when the climate is changing. All of us have to take are responsibility for what’s going on around us. To just keep on living the way we use to do is not going to work out when the conditions are changing. Reality will finally catch up with the people who are running. It’s time to stop squander and start sacrificing.
But I believe that it’s not too late. If we just stop blaming each other and try doing something ourselves we can still make a change.
We can start sorting our waste products, buy fewer clothes, take the bus instead of the car and turn of the lights when we walk out the room. We can take the train on our vacation instead of the aircraft, we can take the bike to the store, we can take the food out of the freezer one day before we’re supposed to eat it to let it defrost instead of just putting the food in the microwave and we can use better energy sources.
I believe that everybody can do something and if every single person does one thing that will be a lot in the whole race. I believe that nobody wants to take the blame of the death of the world but as it looks now, everybody is responsible.
I try to do my best in these questions. I try to take the bus and the bike instead of the car, I try to turn of the lights when I don’t need them and I try to sorting my waste products. And I don’t find it that hard.
I believe that everybody wants to make a difference and I believe that today is the day to make it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

News #2 Bush's Border Fence Faces More Trouble

I haven't heard about this before, since I'm not american. And i have a hard time to imagine a fence along the countrys border. So I don't have really have an opinion. But I think it sounds very expensive. And I also don't get it. Is the fence supposed to stop terrorists? Because I don't think that a fence would stop them. Perhaps it would stop regular people from getting in to the United States but not terrorists, because I think they are planning their attacks so carefully that a fence wouldn't stop them from doing what they want. So I'm not sure if the Bush administration should get their money to complete the fence.

Questions for Active Reading p.73

1. What experience did Smiley have that changed her beliefs about chores? At what point in her essay does she describe this experience? What would the impact of that experience be on you, as a reader, if she had described it some place else in the essay?¨

The experience when Smiley started doing horsework changed her beliefs about chores. She describes that experience in the middle of the essay and I think that if she would have described the experience earlier in the essay I wouldn't have started to get all the questions against her thoughts, that I think she want us to get.

2. What kinds of reasons and evidence does Smiley offer to support her argument? Do you consider these reasons and edidence to be authoritative? What does her choise of reasons and evidence reveal about Smiley's intended audience?

Smiley uses reasons and evidence that she have experienced herself. She give examples from her own growth, her husbands growht and experience that she have recieved from other people. I think the reasons and evidence are authoritative. Regarding to her choises of reasons and evidence I think her intended audience are people who have children, because in the end of the essay she gives proposals for parents about what to do and what she thinks that a parent should claim of their child.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Questions for Active Reading p.13 and p.19

1. What purpose do you think Powell had in mind while writing? How does he try to achieve his purpose(s)? List two specific examples from the reading to support your answer.

I think that Powell wanted to show that racism was a huge problem but that he could deal with it and that he didn't wanted to become a victim but just do the best of the situation. To achieve his purpose he lists all the situations that he went through and the ways that he handled them. For example when he drives to get a hamburger and the waitress says that she can't serve him but that he can go behind the resturant so she can give him a hamburger he answers "I'm not that hungry".
Powell is also writing that he wasn't alowed to play on the whole field but at least he would be a star on the part of the field that he could play on.

2. What audience do you think Powell had in mind while writing? Identify a specific audience, either one person or a group of persons, to whom you would recommend this reading.

I think that Powell were writing this to all different people. He wants to help people who have been a victim for racism by showing them what he did and he wants to show other people what the world really looks like. I think he wants to make people awear of the fact that racism does exist. I would recomend this reading to all kinds of people but especially younger people, who have a chance to change the world and the way we treat each other.

3. Describe the writer as specifically as you can. What is your attitude toward him, now that you have read this? Does this represent any change in your attitude toward Powell?

I didn't know who Powell was before I read this so I didn't have a attitude toward him. But I think that Powell seams like a strong man and a person who's not afraid of standing up for himself, his family and all other people who are in the same situation.

1. What purpose do you think that Goldberg had in mind while writing? Specify any one thing in the reading that helps you to identify her purpose?

I think that Goldberg wants to help people to feel good about writing and make them understand that you don't have to start big but work your way to the top. The lines "Writing is not a McDonald's hamburger. The cooking is slow, and in the beginning you are not sure whether a roast or a banquet or a lamb chop will be the result.", shows that you have to start somewhere and just try to find the right way.

2. What audience do you think she had in mind while writing? What other audiences might benefit from reading this? What audience might not benefit?

I think that Goldberg have different kinds of people in mind while writing. I think she wants to show people who have never liked to written, that it's not that hard because you just have to do it your own way and that you have to let yourself to be awkward. I also think that she wants to show people that always tries to be perfect, that it's okay to not be perfect all the time. I think that all kinds of people might benefit from reading this.

3. What is her subject? Be as specific as you can in describing it. What is her attitude toward her subject?

Her subject is about this person that person that was a really good student but everytime he was supposed to sit down and write he couldn't connect the words on the paper with the event or his feelings. Her subject is showing people who to start writing, and I think that she have a playfull attitude toward it. Do it your own way.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Journal Entry #2

1. What makes the essays you chose compelling?

The first essay I chosed was about this woman who chosed between life and death. It was really compelling because she made a choise that a lot of other people didn't do, and she writes that she's happy she did it. So I think this essay is compelling because it gives hope.
The other essay I chosed is about a guy who went to a Greek diner during the Greek Orthodox Easter and said "Happy Easter" in Greek to the propreitor. The man became so very happy for just hearing that word. I chosed that essay because I'm Swedish but living in America and I know how much just a word can make. A person knowing just one Swedish place or one Swedish person or one Swedish word.

2. What kinds of stories do they use to showcase their belief?

The first person uses a story that starts of sad but shows that there is hope out there. Her story is about herself and the way she handled her life and thoughts.
The second story is just a happy one and is more about how other people reacted one the things that he did.

3. What is the tone of each essay and how is it achieved? (funny, serious, reflective, sarcastic, etc.)

Both essays are serious ones because they're about people and their thoughts. Borh essays is giving us ideas of what we can do to help ourselves or the people around us.

4. How are the essays similar? How do they differ?
The essays are similar because their about people, feelings and thoughts. But they differ a little because one of them is about death and the other one is not. They are similar because they're both about how you can make a difference.

5. Do they follow the writing guidelines provided by the This I Believe organization on their website at

I think they do because they're both telling a story, beeing brief, name their beliefs and they're both beeing positive and personal.

6. What beliefs might you want to write about for project 1? (looking at the categorized list of beliefs at may help you)

I would like to write about family, hope or the environment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal #1

I got an assignment at school that said that I had to choose between three different topics and then write about my thoughts around that topic. I could choose between the Olympic Games, elite athletes and the environment. My choice was obvious. Without a second thought I chose the topic about the environment.
I have always had a thing for questions considering our nature and environmental issues and when I got this chance, I felt that I wanted to share with other people what I thought about people today and our behavior nowadays.
Since I got this task in school I didn’t have much of a choice but do it, but I really felt like I wanted to do this. I really wanted to write my thoughts down and also be able to remind myself sometimes of what difference a single person actually can do. And now when I have got my ponderings on a piece of paper it’s easy to just look it up sometimes and know that if I make a change today, it’s not too late.
I wrote my essay in a critical way, because I think that we have a lot to be critical about when it comes to the environment and how we treat the thing that is the most valuable we have. I wanted and still want all the people around me to start acting and try their hardest to make a difference. And I think that writing the essay in a critical way and really show all the people what we’ve done is making everybody perfectly aware of what’s really going on.
I wrote this essay to my teacher and my classmates. I wanted them to see the things that I saw. I wanted them to feel and know that there are things going on around us that in our future will be unstoppable but today still can be fixed. I wanted them to feel that they are a part of the all the bad things that is happening around us every second, every minute. And I wanted them to feel that they still can do things change this.
I had a lot of different purposes with writing this essay. I wanted to educate, inform and call people to action. And I also wanted to chock them. I wanted to make them think and I wanted to make them feel. I wanted them to stop being selfish.
I know this is a very important topic and a huge problem. And this problem matters to all the people living today and all the people living tomorrow. And this problem will affect us all. So I think that it’s never a bad time to talk about these things and try to solve them.
It’s always different when you have to think about who is going to listen or read the things you that you have on your mind. But at the same time I think that if you find something very important, you care about it a lot, you show other people that it really matters to you and you are being one hundred percent devoted to the topic I think that you can make everything interesting. But off course it’s harder if you have to take into consideration that everybody is different and doesn’t enjoy the same things that you do. Thinking about writing as responding to a rhetorical situation makes you more finite. But I think that you can hold on to your thoughts but still make it interesting if you’re just considering who the audience is.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

news #1

I think that it's not okay to use beta-blockers if you're an athlet and you use it just to win. I think that everybody should be able to compete on the same conditions and that everything that isn't for everybody should not be allowed. If you get an advantage by using another swimsuit than the person you compete against I think that's a way of cheeting. I would never want to win if I know that I cheeted. I want all sports to be clean.
But I think it's different if we talking about saving others lifes and we don't use the beta-blockers or whatever you use, just to succed ourself. I you don't do it for you but for someone else I think it's different.