Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the news #4

I think that it's both good and bad that you can test if you have the gen and might be in the risk of getting breastcancer in the future. It's good because then you know that you have to be more carefull and have to test you more often than other people. It's bad because you don't want to walk around knowing that you have a risk of getting sick, because I think that that can effect the way you're living because you think about the disease more than the life you're living. I also think that if you should be able to test if you have the gen, it should be free for all people because since it is so expensive everybody can not afford it.
I also think that they should have an ageboundary that sais that you can't get tested before you are 18 years old. So then it will be the choise of the single person if she want's to get tested or not. Because I don't think that the perents should decide that.

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