Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
The rich people is getting richer, but are the poor people really getting poorer? I'm not sure. Doesn't the poorer get richer as well? I think we are dealing with the thing growth here. But at the same time, I think that the segregation is growing as well. I think is a differece between different parts of the world. Some facts are pointing in that direction that the rich and wealty countries are rising their earnings while the poorer countries see no difference.
Of ocurse we can see differences between different countries and also between different people within a country. In some countries the gaps are a lot bigger between the richest people and the poorest.
Some people mean that rich people have it easier to make money, because they have a ground to stand on. If you allready have money, I think it's easier to make even more. Rich people often have contacts that can help them to go further with what they want to achieve.
People without contacts will often have a harder time to get a job, because then they don't have anybody that can help them and put them in a good position of getting the job.
I know that without contacts you will definitly have a harder time to get a job, even if you know that you are more qualified for the job. And since rich people often have the better jobs, that means that they have better contacts, and that leads to that they will have it a lot easier to make even more money, while the poorer people wont get the good jobs and therefore they will not make any more money. That might be one reason while the poorer gets poorer while the rich keep getting richer. Or at least, that the gaps bwtween people are growing.
But we still don't know if that is true. People have very different believes in this question. Some people believe that both parts are getting richer, some people believe that the rich are getting richer while the poor just are at the same level, and some people believe that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.
Maybe, you should start to look around you. Are you rich or poor? Are you getting richer or poorer? What kind of lives are your friends living? Those questions might make it easier to answer how people are changing and how the standards of living are changing depending on if you're rich or poor and where you live.

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