Thursday, September 18, 2008

I believe that it's not too late

Can we continue to live like nothing has happened when the climate of the earth gets warmer and warmer? What should and can we do as individuals to save our planet? How much do we have to sacrifice? And how much are we willing to give?
Those are questions that some of us hear daily and some of us just don’t care about. But I believe that we have to take those questions seriously. Both human and animals will get affected by the climate changes. The effects caused by heat-waves and the effects on the spreads of infections are problems that’s worrying. If the average temperature is rising it will be possible to grow more kinds of crops but we will also get changes in the flora and fauna that will affect the whole ecosystem. And without snow, ice and the unique assets of a country, many countries will lose a lot of their tourists.
The ice around the poles are melting faster and faster and I think that all of us knows that this will make the level of the oceans rise and places that are located in areas near the water will be more vulnerable when the sea levels rises. We will also start to see more landslides and hurricanes as an effect of the environmental changes.
Since I was little I’ve always have a special relationship with the nature and the environment. When I watched the news together with my parents and they were talking about the ozone layer getting thinner and that we in the future would be able to count the days of snow during the Swedish winter, I always started crying. I just want to cry when hear the news today as well. I love going out in the forest with my family to pick flowers, berries and mushrooms and I get very emotional affected when I know that in a few years, I might not be able to do those things - things that I grew up doing and things that are a big part of my life.
I believe that it’s impossible to keep on living like nothing has happened when the climate is changing. All of us have to take responsibility for what’s going on around us. To just keep on living the way we use to do is not going to work out when the conditions are changing. Reality will finally catch up with the people who are running. It’s time to stop squander and start sacrificing.
But I believe that it’s not too late. If we just stop blaming each other and try doing something ourselves we can still make a change.
We can start sorting our waste products, buy fewer clothes, take the bus instead of the car and turn of the lights when we walk out the room. We can take the train on our vacation instead of the aircraft, we can take the bike to the store, we can take the food out of the freezer one day before we’re supposed to eat it to let it defrost instead of just putting the food in the microwave and we can use better energy sources.
I believe that everybody can do something and if every single person does one thing that will be a lot in the whole race. I believe that nobody wants to take the blame of the death of the world but as it looks now, everybody is responsible.
I try to do my best in these questions. I try to take the bus and the bike instead of the car, I try to turn off the lights when I don’t need them and I try to sort my waste products. And I don’t find it that hard.
I believe that everybody wants to make a difference and I believe that today is the day to make it.

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